Gently down the stream

300m row – easy pace, technique

1 minute row (291 meters)
4 minute row (953 meters)

Strict Jackie
1000m row
50 Thrusters (20kgs)
30 Strict Pull-ups

I think the title is quite appropriate for today’s session. Phil is heading out to sea on a sailboat in the next few weeks and for his last class he made us row, a lot. I am not sure if this was intentional, but hey I’ve got a catchy title for my post.

Now I’ve been a bit of a fan of rowing for quite some time, some of our homemade WODs pre-Crossfit London UK consisted of rows and such. Not that I’m any good at it, I still lack the capacity to break the 2:00min/500m pace consistently for any duration and today was no different. Even with the new found technique, I can’t seem to row fast enough. Another one of those things to work on.

I was pretty happy with my pace for most of the WOD, even if I was the last to finish on the row. I could probably have pushed a little bit more on the thrusters, but damn 50 is a big number. Then there was the strict pull-ups. I was able to string my first 10 in sets of 5, but it was all downhill from there. I may have burned myself out halfway through so I barely made the 15 minute cut-off (was it 15 or 12? I can’t remember). I could have probably made better time if I rested or paced properly and not have a bunch of no-reps, so I was a little disappointed. Even then I think the fact that this was Strict Jackie and my first time to do this particular benchmark WOD, I think I did pretty good.

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