The Streets of Napoli

We discovered quite an interesting street food in Napoli. It’s called a Fritatina. One look at it and you would think it’s just another deep fried, battered food. Once you bite into it though, you realize that humble as it may be, it is tasty and very satisfying.

I think it is very much like Napoli itself. On the outside, it is just another European city with narrow streets and historical buildings. Once you delve deeper and start exploring, the city comes alive and you appreciate how simple yet profound it is at the same time.

In Napoli, Graffiti is everywhere, and we’re not talking Banksy-type art. It’s mostly writings on the wall (literally), and on church doors, and on posts and on stone…everywhere. The streets are narrow and full of people and cars, bicycles, scooters and delivery trucks that appear out of nowhere. It’s busy and it has its perils as we have been warned by locals to take care of bags and cameras while walking around.

But the surprises lie within and among the streets themselves.  The narrow streets are busy with shops full of “Presepi” paraphernalia.  A “Presepi” is your Christmas Nativity scene, but amped up to several degrees.  It includes Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus and an entire village that will only be limited by your imagination and available space.  In the shops you can buy miniature houses, characters depicting local tradesmen, mini livestock and even small pieces such as tiny balcony railings.  A walk down Via San Gregorio Armeno can inspire even the least creative person (myself for example) to make one of my own.

If you do manage to turn away from all the trinkets and bits, you are bound to end up in a Piazza, or a church or a former church, or both. It will definitely have a rich history behind it, whatever church it may be. The architecture will be Baroque or Gothic or a re-created version of one or the other, and inside will be full of stories of great families whose remains may be kept within and of artwork that surely belong in the grandest of museums.

Even on less busy streets, you will be surprised by quaint little shops where they are completely unexpected. If you look above, you will find that the locals live above and amongst all of it. In fact, the locals live directly above Napoli’s rich history. Literally.

Underneath the city and spanning an area even bigger than the city itself, is a system of underground caves and tunnels that were historically used to quarry rocks, and then as aqueducts and then as a waste disposal “system” before they were used as bomb shelters during the war. It seems as if the city was built from the underground up…we were even shown a home that was built on top of what used to be a Roman theatre (and a B&B built on top of another area of the theatre as well).

And if all of that still doesn’t overwhelm your senses, then the food will definitely up the dosage. We waited for three hours to get into a Pizzeria that has been serving pizza since 1870…and it was completely worth every single second spent in line. In another part of town, we waited a a little less (maybe just half an hour?) for more mouth watering Pizza (no, not on the same day). If waiting that long is not for you, then you can elbow your way in into the lunch time crowd fighting for deep fried Pizza and the aforementioned Fritatina. When you’ve had your fill, head on to one of the many cafeterias for an espresso, and be like the locals and find yourself a spot on the bar to have your cafe (spaces are limited, but a little courage goes a long way). If you want to feed your sweet tooth, have a lip smacking good Nocciolato. This is normally thought to be espresso and Nutella, but it’s actually not Nutella. I don’t know what it is exactly, but espresso + Nutella is a different item on the menu. And I haven’t even mentioned the Baba, or the Sfogliatella and loads more dolci whose names escape me now.

Overall, Napoli is must-see, and when you come visit, make sure you’re senses are ready to be pleasurably overwhelmed.

Paris Please

Paris was our first stop on our recent December break.  It was amazing to step on a train and 2+ hours later, emerge in a different country and hear a different language.

The city was surprisingly less busy than I expected it to be and the queues at the tourist attractions seemed quite bearable (although we had pre-bought tickets anyway) which was a good thing.  They did have quite a few renovations happening at the moment at the Eiffel Tower, Saint Chapelle and I think even at Notre  Dame.  I suppose if they had to do them, now would be the best time.

It was my 3rd time in Paris and it was Allan’s first.  I think I was so excited to be there with him this time, that I wanted to show him everything I saw when I was there for 3 months in just a matter of days.  It was too overwhelming, and he may be able to appreciate Paris better when taken in leisurely.  Thankfully, its easy enough to get there, so we may end up in Paris again when the weather’s a bit warmer.

Posting some of my photos below.  Nothing spectacular…but maybe on our next trip(s?) I can do better 🙂  Our snapshot photos (i.e. the ones with all our faces in them) will be posted on our facebook accounts for those who may want to see them.

2012 Highlights

It has taken me two days to finally blog something related to reviewing the past year that Allan has already posted our workout schedule for the month.  So before any more posts pile up, I just want to pay tribute to 2012.

Here are our highlights (from my point of view at least — Allan may want to add a bit more):

  1. I officially moved to London and Allan and I are finally sharing the same permanent address 3 years after getting married.  Everyone say “Finally!!”
  2. Sharing Manila and Boracay with our Italian friends from Dublin.  Havin
    g them enjoy their stay made me proud of the Philippines…we do have something nice for tourists after all.  Still needs a bit more work, but not bad.
  3. Tons of activities and To Do’s — Allan and I stepped up our workouts even more this year.  For me, I had a good rhythm until I moved to London and had to travel again for work during the week.  It messed up my routine and it messed up my almost-a-pull-up pull up.  Allan has been consistently going though, with the occasional injury making him pause for a few weeks.  We’ve also signed up for an indoor climbing center and managed to do that almost weekly at one point.  We’ve also added bikes to our list of possessions — of course, I am still quite terrified when cycling in the streets (I HAVE to stop when there’s a car coming) so Allan does more of it than I do.  Hopefully that changes…eventually.
  4. Travel!  During the first half of the year, Allan’s travels were mostly to Dublin to see me.  But just as the year ended, we hopped on Eurostar and headed to Paris and then spent Christmas in Naples, Italy with Clemente, Maria, their families and all that wonderful Italian food (and Napolitan Pizza!!!!).   Locally, we’ve been to Bath and have seen the Stonehenge.  Scotland is on the list for this year maybe, and definitely more of Italy and Spain.

At year end, we have pretty much established a good routine at home and things are looking up and looking good.  Thank you, 2012 for being so kind to us.  Now on to 2013!